Friday, June 28, 2013

Safety Risk Management Procedure

The procedure that describes the process followed for identifying and documenting hazards, for determining its associated risk(s), its severity and probability of occurring and the strategies for its mitigation.
Any staff member/ stakeholder
1. Identify a hazard within any area of work within or outside the company.
2. Record the hazard in the hazard reporting system/form.
3. Forward to the Safety Manager for review.
Safety Manager
4. Review hazard form and verify information (if necessary initiate root cause analysis).
5. Log details of hazards into database (including system factor failures).
Safety Manager
6. Arrange a Safety Committee meeting. (minimum 2/two core persons as applicable)
7. Send hazard information to Safety Committee members.
Safety Committee
8. Review hazard information and confirm applicable System Factor failures.
9. Determine and list specific risk(s) of each hazard.
10. Evaluate (or assess) each risk in terms of its severity (first) and its probability.
11. Prioritize hazards for action based on their risk in terms of their tolerability or acceptability.
12. Identify managers responsible to plan mitigation action.
Safety Manager
13. Forward request for mitigation action to the responsible manager.
Responsible manager14. Review hazard and risk information provided.
15. Determine mitigation action that can reduce risk to an acceptable level. (ALARP)
Responsible manager
16. Implement mitigation action and report back on successful implementation to Safety Manager.
Safety Manager
17. Record mitigation action taken in database & report back to Safety Committee.
18. Evaluate effectiveness of mitigation action taken & report back to Safety Committee.